Thursday, March 25, 2010


Our Spring Paleo Challenge is coming up in less than 2 weeks! Below is the link to the blog that we will be maintaining throughout the challenge. The blog will update with links, resources, and the progress of the challenge to give everyone the tools that they need to succeed. Also, if you know anyone who is not a member, but would like to get started, now's the time! The Challenge finishes up just in time for summer! Non-Members are allowed to join us in our Paleo Challenge, just contact us for more info! Big prizes for the winners on this one!

CrossFit Tri-Cities: Spring Paleo Challenge Blog

Back Squat:


Three rounds for max reps of:
60 seconds of Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of 25m Shuttle Run (each length is 1 rep)
30 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Push-Ups
60 seconds of Rest