Sunday, May 25, 2008


Happy Memorial weekend.

Remember our fallen...

Lt. Michael Murphy, whom I've had the privilege of serving with during my time in the Navy. I remember Murph hobbling along after our "Hell Week" with a broken leg in crutches. He did not give up, and never out of the fight. I was able to provide support during his dive supervisor qualification in 2003, where he remained the same steadfast dude that I remember him as. The loss of our fallen brothers/sisters overseas does not touch home until we fully understand it, through the stories that follow these brave men and women. Often times we feel that we can never fulfill the shoes that men like Murph lay before us. But we do our best, honoring their legacy each and every day through the commitment that we make possible through our workouts and the integrity of our daily lives.

Folks, the boundaries of our workouts go far beyond what we achieve every day with a new "PR". It takes commitment to making ourselves better, which spreads to each person we make contact with through daily interaction. What some people consider difficult by their standards, has no bounds upon what you achieve everyday, and only scratches the the surface of what teammates like Lt. Mike Murph have sacrificed for our country and how we live.