Sunday, June 29, 2008



Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press (or pushups)

Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

"An inability or unwillingness to cook is a serious barrier to your health and fitness."

"Now, read that again and seriously think about it: An inability or unwillingness to cook is a serious barrier to your health and fitness. Those are the words of Orie Shafer, Ph.D., a research biologist and member of CrossFit Des Peres. And he's right.

If you don't cook, who's making your meals? Somebody else: which means somebody else is controlling your health and fitness. Wouldn't you rather it were you? It's time to stop thinking of cooking as a chore and start thinking of it as taking control of your life. What you do in the kitchen matters just as much as what you do in the gym.

Take a look at Orie's blog for more thoughts on healthy foods and recipes."