The TREVOR Memorial Day WOD, We will be hosting it at our facility at 10:00am is the kick off time (MORE DETAILS TO COME< AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Sign up now for the event. Click on the links to read the story and to sign up.
Date: May 26th, 2008-Memorial Day
CrossFit Affiliates, Fire, Police, and Military around the globe will come together to remember the fallen, and to support our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, neighbors, and friends who are in harms way each and every day.
Four member teams will come together for the Trevor Win'E Memorial Day Challenge to participate in a team CrossFit style workout and donate (each team entry fee pays for one cooling vest for folks on the front lines in Iraq or Afghanistan). This workout fundraiser is to support all heroes in our military. This event will be held at CrossFit Tri-Cities (Ask Mark or Jason for more details).
The workout named "Trevor" is:
300 Pull-ups then,
400 Push-ups then,
500 Sit-ups then,
600 Squats
This is a timed team event, so these are accumulative reps. Only two members of the team can be exercising at a time.
Watch the Video here for the "Trevor Workout Demo" executed by the CrossFit Santa Cruz Trainers
Download a Printable Flyer Here!
To Donate for this great cause without participating in the challenge, follow this link:
The Trevor WIn'E Memorial Fund is a true non-profit orgainization (E.I.N. Tax ID 20-8539627)
The 2008 Trevor Win'E Challenge is sponsored by:
CrossFit HQ
CrossFit Orange County
Orange County Fire Authority
California Professional Firefighters Local 3631