Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Skill Development Thursday

Dave tackles his first muscle-up this week. A huge achievement! Now, 30 for time buddy!

Today we will be focusing on a skill set development of each group's choice. Got something you want to become more proficient in for your future workouts, or the mechanics of some of the stuff we do giving you nightmares? Stop on by.

Also, please check out this article by Jon Gilson of Again Faster and CrossFit Boston. A great reflection on what we have all seen/experienced before. We expect each of our members to take responsibility for their own actions and hold themselves to a higher moral standard both inside, and outside our doors.

"To A Greater World" by Jon Gilson, Again Faster

We're bringing personal responsibility back. You can't do what we do while shirking your load, depending on other people, or otherwise passing the buck. Your WOD time is yours and yours alone. You cannot turn in a fifty-minute "Fran" and then scold your classmates for the result. Blame is not cast in the gym.

Conversely, I can't count the number to times I've seen an athlete turn in an epic time and then thank everyone in the room for making it happen. Adulation is shared.

I view the gym as a microcosm of the moral world, one in which control of success and failure ultimately lies with the individual. There is no fatalism in the gym. Your maximum pull-up number is not preordained by some higher power. It is determined by speed, strength, coordination, accuracy, agility, and mental fortitude, all qualities that are within your domain and solely within your control. Others can give to the effort through correction, encouragement, and support, but they cannot make your chin clear the bar.

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